Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy Face

Well last night the government decided to end their nonsense and open back up.  This may not of affected everyone but it did us, no paychecks.  In the world of adoption that can change and stop a lot of things.  Least we will be able to relax for a little while and hopefully get more of a move in the right direction.
Today something wonderful happened, I woke up to this great picture of that little special someone in my email.  He is doing great!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Goverment Shutdown....

Oh little man, life is crazy these days.  Daddy works for the government and it just isn't a great time to be doing that.  He worries about his job, and whether or not he will get his next pay check. I worry about you and getting you home where you belong.  There are lots of papers to be done and unfortunately lots of fees to be paid to go along with those papers.  Hate to say it but we are dragging our feet waiting to see what will happen in the coming weeks.  I try to get everything done that I can so when the time comes it will go very quickly.  It won't be to long, at least for you since you don't understand any of this, or how your little life will change, but for me each day just drags by trying to think of something else I can get done to make this all go a little quicker.