Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Surprise, they said OK!!

Hey little man, guess what?  Today we received an email that we had been waiting for.  They said we are ok, that we look like we would be a good family for you. It is called PA, otherwise known as a pre-approval to adopt.  So what does that mean? Just that there is a lot to do so we can get there and bring you home.  It is going to take a while and much longer then I would like, but having done all this paperwork several times now I think I can do it pretty quick.  There is so much to tell you, but I need to tell you all about your family, yes, your family....US.

Let's start with Dad.  He will be the one who tells you all about music and trains.  You will love to watch those trains go around and around, all the while music will be blaring in the background. You will eventually know what band is playing, and don't be surprised if it is usually the Grateful Dead.

I'm the Mommy, I will be the one who takes care of you, dress you up and make you look so handsome.  I will be the supplier of the homemade cookies and the peanut butter and fluff sandwiches.  I will be the hugger and the one who tucks you in at night.

You will have lots of siblings, and you will be an instant uncle to two little boys, or they may seem big to you.  Danielle, or Dani as we call her, is married to Rudy.  They don't live near here but they visit and you will visit them too.  They have the little boys, Rowen and Finnegan, RoRo and Finny.  I am sure you guys will be best of friends, playing with cars and blocks and Daddy's trains.

Next in line is your big brother Joe, he is special just like you and always wanted a little brother.  He will be your hero! Joe will teach you all about his computer and video games, that is when he lets you in his apartment. Usually it is off limits to his siblings but I think he is going to like having you over.  Joe will have to watch all the crazy movies he likes starting with the Santa Claus, his all time favorite.

Regan, your sister will love on you till you want her to stop.  She loves little kids and especially little boys, she will protect you so nothing bad happens to you.  She will be your swing buddy outside and help you up and down on the slide.  Come summer, she will teach you to swim.

Fallyn, she is quiet and sometimes you won't even know she is here, she wont mess with you but will love you. She will read to you and teach you to read for yourself.  She will be your school homework helper. 

Shannon, she will be your buddy since she is the closest in age to you.  Shannon will be the playmate, and you hers.  She will be having you make pretend meals in the play kitchen and will enjoy it if you play dolls with her.  Sometimes Shannon needs a little playmate since the other girls are older now, you will be that special person for her.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Well it's been a little more then a week since we took the leap and asked for a waiver in order to proceed with PJ boy.  After sending this and that, and oh that too to the agency, the file was locked and the LOI (letter of intent) was filed.  Seriously thought we would of heard one way or the other by now, so the waiting has begun, even before we start.
A little about PJ boy, he is almost 6 yrs old and lives in a home run by an American with 20 plus children who all share that little something extra.  He loves cars and Legos as well as his little baby doll.  Hopefully once the PA comes through we will get an update and maybe some new pictures. But for now we survive with the ones we have. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The journey starts Again!

About three years ago I came across a photo of a little boy in a pair of green striped pajamas and I fell in love.  Time and again I would look to see if he was still there and my heart broke that no one had chosen him to be their son.  At the time we wasn't planning on adding any more children to our family so we went on living our day to day life.   A couple months back there was an update on my little pj boy, no longer was he that little baby but rather a little boy, still without a family.  My heart hurt for him.  Why can't we be his family?  We are to old, he's to old, won't learn the language, enough on our plate already.  Well if not us, then who?
Finally the little baby in the green stripped pajamas has a family coming to get him and it is us.