Thursday, September 5, 2013

The journey starts Again!

About three years ago I came across a photo of a little boy in a pair of green striped pajamas and I fell in love.  Time and again I would look to see if he was still there and my heart broke that no one had chosen him to be their son.  At the time we wasn't planning on adding any more children to our family so we went on living our day to day life.   A couple months back there was an update on my little pj boy, no longer was he that little baby but rather a little boy, still without a family.  My heart hurt for him.  Why can't we be his family?  We are to old, he's to old, won't learn the language, enough on our plate already.  Well if not us, then who?
Finally the little baby in the green stripped pajamas has a family coming to get him and it is us.

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